Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Rod's Update 8/4/2006

Hello all,

I'm done with in processing into the active duty army and all there medical tests and all other paperwork issues. Even the military test are Questionable because they said I was fit as a fiddle!!?? Whatever?? Fort Dix New Jersey, HOTTT!!! We had 100+ days there. Carol said you all had the same here. It's also very humid there. I need to bring my 22 rifle back, hundreds of groundhogs running around that base. The base is not to bad, Fort Dix is attached to McGuire Air force base. We can use some of there facilities every now and then. As you might know the Air force has the newest and nicest facilities.

I flew back to Camp Ripley today for some infantry training. I'll be here un tell the the 20th. All is well on my side, sounds like Carol is busy as ever with work, but is doing fine also!? I miss the comfort of home already and the family and the dog. I may be able to swing through the house in Lakeville on my way back to Fort Dix on the 19th or the 20th. Talk to you all soon, not to much to talk about just yet.

Later, Rod

Co B 3-194 CAB (SECFOR)
3rd Plt Sgt


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