Monday, December 11, 2006

In Iraq

I'm Finally here, Iraq. We got into Camp Stryker today, Going to Somewhere else tomorrow. This base is big. So far the conditions haven't been to bad. I hope that stays that way.

Some of the guys are really scared and nervous. I just want to get to where we are going to be for the duration and finally unpack the bags! We been living out of the ruck sacks for a while now. I sounds like the living conditions in the area of where we are going are not the best.

Here is an address for were we will be for a short time. Maybe through Christmas? Try not to send anything of significant value. Most likely it will be forwarded to me from this location if we move to the next location. This address is good for anyone else in my same Company/Platoon. (For Now)

SFC Vredenburg Rod (or any other soldiers name) Co B 3-194 CAB APO AE 09348

I will keep you all informed of any further address updates as soon as I know.

Take care, Happy Holidays!
Love to all,

Co B 3-194 CAB (SECFOR)
3rd Plt Sgt


Blogger @TuttleMan123 said...

Thanks for putting those emails in there, Robert. I've been slacking off.

8:27 AM  

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