Monday, August 28, 2006

New Address for Rod at Ft Dix, NJ

My address at Fort Dix:

MRB/Co A/BLDG 5641
B Co 3-194 CAB
Fort Dix, NJ 08640

Later, Rod

Friday, August 25, 2006

Update 08/25/2006

Just a short update on Rod's activities:

After the ceremony that is coming up at Camp Ripley, he will literally have about 1/2 hour to spend with his family before he has to start his journey to Iraq. He asks that we keep the number of people that show up for the ceremony limited to his immediate family, so that he will not feel totally overwhelmed. But, being the way he is, he also stated that anyone is welcome!
As far as what's going on with him, Rod reports that the Poison Ivy at Camp Ripley is particularly tenacious and that he is having a great time trying to get rid of it. He has been super busy with training and has been putting in 18-20 days since he got there. During his 2 week Infantry School at Ft Dix, he was awarded the 'Top Student' award for his stellar achievement during the program. Pictures of his training at Ft Dix coming soon. He's also pretty excited about wearing the new and 'Improved Body Armor'(TBA)(which he started to do just recently)in addition to humping a 60 lbs ruck plus his personal weapon and other misc gear. This is all strength training however, so that he can carry the weight easily when he gets to Iraq.

Thanks for the UPDATE, Rod! Safe Journey, my friend.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Ray Quan says Thank You.

courtesy of Marv Vredenburg


Wednesday, August 09, 2006

July 4th Pictures

Hi! Thanks to Robin Kriens for these great pics from July 4th weekend. See flickr for the rest.


Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Rod's Update 8/4/2006

Hello all,

I'm done with in processing into the active duty army and all there medical tests and all other paperwork issues. Even the military test are Questionable because they said I was fit as a fiddle!!?? Whatever?? Fort Dix New Jersey, HOTTT!!! We had 100+ days there. Carol said you all had the same here. It's also very humid there. I need to bring my 22 rifle back, hundreds of groundhogs running around that base. The base is not to bad, Fort Dix is attached to McGuire Air force base. We can use some of there facilities every now and then. As you might know the Air force has the newest and nicest facilities.

I flew back to Camp Ripley today for some infantry training. I'll be here un tell the the 20th. All is well on my side, sounds like Carol is busy as ever with work, but is doing fine also!? I miss the comfort of home already and the family and the dog. I may be able to swing through the house in Lakeville on my way back to Fort Dix on the 19th or the 20th. Talk to you all soon, not to much to talk about just yet.

Later, Rod

Co B 3-194 CAB (SECFOR)
3rd Plt Sgt

Monday, August 07, 2006

I have just figured out that I can have up to three others as admins on this Blog. Robert Stangler has voluteered to be one of those, thanks Robert! I think two will be enough, otherwise things might get too disjointed. Robert has set up an FTP site where you can do mass batch uploads and downloads of files. This will help keep Rod's time spent online sending us stuff to a minimum. I look forward to the first batch! Anyone heard from him lately?

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Posting a picture and text TEST

I'm testing how we can load pictures to this blog. I believe I am the only one that can post them to the blog itself, but please email me the links to the pictures on or and I'll be glad to hook you up.