Sunday, April 08, 2007

Possible Move, Don't send Mail or Packages

Hello all,

Everything is well, though it's getting hot out. I reached up to above 90 deg today. The boys are good, they are starting to filter back home for their leave. Time is going by fast by having the mission keeping us so busy and on our (camels) toes.

I need to ask you all to put a big WHOOOAAA on the packages until further notice. We got word the we may be moving back as a Company and taking over another mission in another part of Iraq. Even if we don't, the Marines that are here in this area are transitioning back to the States, and we piggy back off their address. So we will have a different address here anyway if we stay. I've been getting more stuff that I can use or even give away. So this will give me a chance to dwindle down my overstock. It's all greatly appreciated though. I just received 6 Packages from Mick and Kim today and 2 packages from Carols Mom and Dad. Thank You! I will put out a new address when I have more info and also a good to have Item list for packages and a "I have enough of this item list also". I'm thinking it'll be about one to two months before we can put to use anything new that is sent.

These Marines here think that my family is keeping the Postal Service at a profit this year. I agree..

The attached picture has the Euphrates River in the back ground, We found a weapons cache in that area that day and had the EOD (Explosive Ordinance Doods) check out a possible VBIED, it wasn't just wires coming out of the gas tank from a electric back up fuel pump.

That's all for now, Have a Happy Easter!

Later, Rod


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